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The tradition of minstrel, which was based on the kam-shamans and underwent a socio-cultural change process from the acceptance of Islam to the 16th century, left its place to the tradition of "minstrel" after this process. This tradition, which raised many powerful names, brought an important lover like Erkiletli Âşık Hasan to our literature and culture in Anatolia at the end of the eighteenth century and the beginning of the nineteenth century. The fact that the poems of the minstrel, who performed in the oral culture environment, were taken away by an officer during the wars, limited the comments about his place in the tradition. Despite the fact that he defeated one of the powerful names of the period, Develili Seyrani, by quarreling with him and became his master, the name and poems of the minstrel did not become widespread for this reason. So much so that although he is the performer of the song "Erkilet Güzeli", which is frequently heard in electronic cultural environments and sung by many artists, this song has been recorded anonymously. In this article, the place of Âşık Hasan, whose name is not heard and mentioned much, but who is accepted as one of the master minstrels of his time, in the tradition and his influence on the Kayseri minstrel tradition are emphasized. Other minstrels and classical period poets that he influenced and were influenced by were determined. In this direction, the issues affecting the love of Erkiletli Âşık Hasan and the socio-cultural environments he was in were discussed.

şık Hasan from Erkiletli, Kayseri, Minstrel, Minstrelsy Tradition, Poetry

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