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A Comparative Review of “Cevâmiu İlmi’l-Mûsîkâ” (Complete Works on Music Theory) part of Avicenna’s Kitâbü’ş-Şifâ (The Book of Healing) and “Mûsiki Sesleri” (Sounds of Music) part of Salih Zeki Bey’s Hikmet-i Tabîiyye-i Umûmiyyeden Mebhâs-ı Savt (Matter of Sound in Knowledge of General Nature) Based
In the research, the "Cevâmiu İlmi'l-Musîka" section in Ibn Sinâ's work Kitâbü'ş-Şifâ and the "Music Sounds" section in Salih Zeki Bey's Mebhâs-ı Savt were also examined in terms of musical theory. It is understood that while writing Avicenna's work, together with Greek philosophers such as Pythagoras, he wrote works on the musical theory of his predecessors such as Al-Kindi and Fârâbî, and also benefited from the works of music scholars. Salih Zeki Bey, on the other hand, gave place to the sound physics theories of the period in terms of general content and important representatives of these from foreign sources. In the subject of musical sounds, he handled the existing theory individually from the perspective of a physicist and revealed his inferences. However, it should be noted here that Rauf Yekta Bey and his theory definitely had an impact on Salih Zeki Bey.

Music Sciences, Acoustics, Sounds of Music, Avicenna, Salih Zeki

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