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Çıldırlı Minstrel Festival XIX. He lived in the late 19th century and spent most of his life fighting Russian invasions. Âşık Şenlik composed the makam Çıldır/Şenlik/Şenlik/Şenlik Divanî, usually sung by Azeri and Karapapak minstrels. Many minstrels were influenced by Şenlik during his lifetime and in the following periods. The aim of this study is to prepare a bibliography of researches made in about Âşık Şenlik and his works in 1989-2023. The bibliography is classified into five groups as thesis, book, paper, article and others. The studies are listed alphabetically according to the surnames of the authors. The studies reached on Âşık are not complete and complete. However, this article is important in terms of being a source for the studies to be done for Çıldırlı Âşık Şenlik

Âşık Şenlik, XIX. century, Çıldırlı Âşık Şenlik Bibliography.

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