Türük Uluslararası Dil, Edebiyat ve Halkbilimi Araştırmaları Dergisi Türkçe
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Ahterî-i Kebîr was accommodated by Muslihiddin Mustafa Ahterî Efendi in 1545 in Kütahya. It is a brief bilangual dictionary from Arabic to Turkish. It carries the author's pseudonym. It comprises 24497 words. In Turkish Language researches, it takes place in resource dictionaries. Its carrying the properties of Afyon and Kütahya dialect properties, in addition, for it includes the words which are unrecorded in Turkey Turkish Dialects Dictionary, it is of great importance. Studies which will be done on vocabulary of the work will help Turcology studies in terms of both understanding the current situation of Turkish language and contributing to Compilation Dictionary and also for bearing traces of historical Turkish dialects. In this study, with reference to Turkish vocabulary which belongs to Ahterî-i Kebîr, both recording the words which aren’t included in Compilation Dictionary and contributing to Kütahya and Afyon dialects on which very few studies are carried are aimed.

Ahterî-i Kebîr, Compilation Dictionary, vocabulary, meaning, dialect properties

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