Türük Uluslararası Dil, Edebiyat ve Halkbilimi Araştırmaları Dergisi Türkçe
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The marriage is one of the most significant transition periods in human life when the process of girls and boys joining in social life as a new family begins. The fact that the family forms the basis of the social structure has given a universal value to the marriage event that establishes this union. In every society, marriage occurs according to certain rules of the type of culture to which it belongs. For this reason, the customs, traditions, and customs applied during the marriage process constitute the marriage culture of that society. In this study, it has been examined on traditional marriage styles to be seen in Turkish culture geography. Common traditional marriage types which listed as arranged marriage, marriage by kidnapping, marriage through cradle marriage, berder marriage, taygeldi marriage, marriage with sister-in-law, polygamous marriage, otura kalma marriage, marriage with brother-in-law, marriage of siblings' children. Epics and folk tales are valuable resources in terms of providing information about the traditions, customs, family structure, lifestyles, world views and elements that make up the culture of societies. While examining marriage types; examples are given from the epics of the Turkish world, especially the Stories of Dede Korkut, the Epic of Manas, and the Epic of Köroğlu. The family, which forms the basis of the social structure and is born through marriage, bears a great responsibility in instilling and transmitting kinship, solidarity and cultural values to new generations. The integrity of Turkish culture also manifests itself in the institution of marriage. Despite the historical, geographical, social and cultural changes experienced by the Turkish world, the common cultural values that were formed centuries ago still continue today.

traditional marriage, marriage forms, epic, Turkish epics

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