Türük Uluslararası Dil, Edebiyat ve Halkbilimi Araştırmaları Dergisi Türkçe
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Love is a strong emotion that arises naturally in the nature of living beings. This emotion, which can be seen as human to human, human to nature or human to god, has seen the value it deserves the most in Anatolia. The fire of love has always burned in the breast of the Turkish nation and this nation has produced mighty lovers and unforgettable loves. These mighty lovers have put these unforgettable loves into verse in folk tales and especially in poems insured that they are passed through later generations. As the name suggests, the most important figure who lives and keeps love alive in Turkish Folk Literature are lovers. Based on the proverb “Each valiant has in own way of getting things done”, each lover, who is essentially the interpreter of love, has a unique expression of love. Aşık Feymani is one of the last period great lovers from Çukurova who described love by his own life experiences. In this research, the appearance of love in Aşık Feymani’s poems has been discussed and as a result, it has been tried to find out how the lover emphasizes love is his poems. In Aşık Feymani’s poems, it has seen that love appears in various forms such as love of homeland, love of nature in addition to love of human and love of divine.

Love, Aşık, Aşık Feymani, poems of Aşık Feymani. Poem.

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