Türük Uluslararası Dil, Edebiyat ve Halkbilimi Araştırmaları Dergisi Türkçe
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Adjective verbs in the Turkish language have a rich content in terms of both the variety of upper and lower functions and the forms (morphemes) that perform these functions. The biggest obstacle to presenting this rich content in a healthy way is to approach these suffixes with a formal understanding, as in other grammatical issues. However, in recent studies, although their numbers are limited, they have begun to move away from this formalism that represents tradition. Studies based on the contrast order of the affixation sequence of the Turkish language and the place-structure-function relationship of the suffixes are effective in directing the view of grammatical elements towards function rather than form. In this context, it has been determined that the pointing function, which forms the basis of our study, is a sub-function of adjective verbs, by recording under which conditions and with which form elements it occurs, evidenced by examples of suffixations used in the Turkish language from past to present. Subsequently, along with pointing function, other adjectival verb functions and the forms that perform them have been revealed through other studies. However, these are mostly studies focusing on the historical dialects of the Turkish language and today's Turkish in Turkey. Starting from this point, the purpose of the present study is to identify the shapes that perform the pointing function with examples in some contemporary dialects and dialects of the Turkish language.

pointing, adjective verb, form, function, time

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