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The existence of archetypes dates back to the emergence of humanity. Therefore, archetypes draw from various fields of study, such as mytology, religion, anthropology and psychology. Jung’s personality archetype, the shadow archetype, like any other archetype, has a collective nature. Hence, this archetype points to certain common thoughts and behaviors in every individual. Researchers have reached a consensus that every individual has a shadow side because the typical behaviors observed in each person actually indicate the presence of their shadow. Although identifying the shadows archetype may be challenging, it can be described as everything that an individual does not want and therefore wishes to relegate to the subconscious. Hence, any socially unacceptable emotion, such as anger, resentment, hatred or revenge, refers to the existence of the shadow because it alludes to an individual’s dark side. However, like any other archetype, the shadow is not limited to negative aspects alone. The shadow, which nourishes creativity, can also serve as an impetus for individuals to succeed in various areas. The presence of the shadow archetype, identified in six novels by contemporary novelist Ömer Fikret Oyal, is generally encountered in the main characters of the novels. Although these heroes have different aspects, the influence of their shadow is a common element that tends to amplify certain facets of their personalities. This study focuses on how the shadow archetype manifests in the main characters of the novels.

Psychoanalysis, Mythology, Archetype, Shadow, Ömer F. Oyal,

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