Türük Uluslararası Dil, Edebiyat ve Halkbilimi Araştırmaları Dergisi Türkçe
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There has been an indestructible relationship and two-sided effect between Turkish and Azerbaijani literatures from Medieval Ages until today. Effect between individuals who live different eras and create literary examples, are investigated from different perspectives by comparative literature researchers. It is why Azerbaijani tazkiras were not analyzed systematically; the tazkiras which were written by Azerbaijani and Ottoman writers were not regarded comparatively. We can see just one example which is belong to Assistant Professor Ö.Bayram. In related part of his PhD Dissertation, he compares from some aspects Seyyid Azim Shirvani’s tazkira with Ottoman tazkiras. Literary relations, two-sided effects and differences between Ottoman and Azerbaijani literatures were not the research issue very well according to comparative literature. Firstly, Azerbaijani tazkiras was worked comprehensively by myself and printed as monograph namely “The History of Azerbaijani Tazkiras”. After than we can see the comparative studies between Azerbaijani and Ottoman tazkiras which were birth and grown from 16-th century. The comparison between Ottoman and Azerbaijani tazkiras is regarded in 5 subtitles in the article. Azerbaijani writers of Tazkiras wrote 46 and Ottoman writers wrote 32 tazkiras. In Azerbaijani field, we can see the layer (tabaka), alphabetic, geographic and chronologic principles. On the other hand, Ottoman tazkira writers were used just layer and alphabetic principles. Firstly, Ottoman writer Ashiq Chelebi putted poets in order based on “abjad” letters. Gufti who is the writer of 17-th century was famous with the only tazkira written in verse. Mass of the tazkiras was written in Persian by Azerbaijani authors. But in Ottoman field, tazkiras were written only in Turkish. Ottoman tazkiras are important sources of Azerbaijani literature, just because they include information about more than 60 Azerbaijani poets.

Azerbaijan, Ottoman, tazkira, comparison, similarity, difference

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