Türük Uluslararası Dil, Edebiyat ve Halkbilimi Araştırmaları Dergisi Türkçe
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The tense is a category based on the meaning of the verb. The way of realization of the verb, depending on its meaning, is brought into contact with time. The realization of some actions spans a period of time, while some actions occur at a critical limit. Here, execution is the critical limit or process that allows an action to be realized. Since in the established grammar, verbs and their form contents are evaluated only through their dictionary equivalents and forms, without knowledge of affixation, there are explanations that the form can change through some elements. The misconception in question has led to the attribute of the suffix verb describe being used as an operative modifier to the verb describe when it is used with the relevance of quickness, approach and duration. In this study, it will be stated that the form of the verb and its equivalent in the dictionary cannot be taken as a basis in determining the time content of the prayer, and the integrity between the meaning and function elements of the sentence and the structural integrity they show in the affixation sequence will be taken as basis in determining the content of the prayer. Various researchers' comments and examples will be discussed, and it will be emphasized that it is not possible to determine a change in the form.

Aktionsart, aspect, descriptive complementary verb, lexical aspect, proximative.

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