Türük Uluslararası Dil, Edebiyat ve Halkbilimi Araştırmaları Dergisi Türkçe
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Every individual who makes up the society grows up by adhering to gender rules while gaining an identity in life. Genarally,women have been able to take their place in arts within the framework of these rules. This paper draws attention to the way women have taken their place in arts, despite various movements of social gender changes throughout history. İpek Duben has presented significant artworks that unite various art forms to draw attention to gender-related issues such as differences in language, religion, and between men and women. After completing her art education in the United States, Duben returned to Turkey and provided trainings in her area of specialization. The artist's proficiency in multiple domains enables her to provide more comprehensive and healing interpretations of these issues. She closely followed the process of Westernization, and made an East-West synthesis in reflecting her personal search for identity as the main subject in her works. She internalized her understanding of art by blending Turkish social art with customs and traditions, thus succeeding in highlighting important social issues through her works. As a masterpiece, Duben exhibited her own body as both subject and object in her works. In terms of gender, she stressed the importance of individual liberty and the freedom to live without societal impositions. This article examines the crucial relationship between art and gender, specifically focusing on İpek Duben's artistic endeavors

Art, Gender, İpek Duben, Identity, Women,

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