Türük Uluslararası Dil, Edebiyat ve Halkbilimi Araştırmaları Dergisi Türkçe
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This paper discusses the temporal and modal suffixes and their variants in the Turkish dialect of Skopje (Republic of Macedonia). The preference of present tense over the aorist, the rare use of aorist, the mixed usage of optative and imperative mood, the build of necessitative mood not with morphological, but with lexical elements in the Skopje dialect are given with their relevant examples in this paper. In the Skopje dialect, as well as in the other Turkish dialects of Macedonia and Rumelia, the suffixes have fewer variants and the differences of the variants usages draw the attention. In the literature, there is very little material about Skopje mouth. They are also partly determined accurately and generalizations are usually not covered under Rumeli mouths. Interestingly, Turkish Language and Literature Department in Macedonia's capital Skopje (Skopje although) there, so they can go get the melt, so far it has been examined in detail in the mouth outside Skopje. So far there is no any major work on the Turkish Skopje mouth. Although referred to Skopje mouth of some features work in a variety of other information which are inadequate or indirect by others to see the neat features of this mouth.

Skopje Turkish dialect, Macedonian dialects, tense suffixes, modal suffixes, morphology.

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