Türük Uluslararası Dil, Edebiyat ve Halkbilimi Araştırmaları Dergisi Türkçe
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In classical Turkish literature, the concept of school has the feature of an environment that occurs as a result of the wishes and desires of people who want to engage in poetry as well as daily life and business life and the tradition continues rather than being an institution where educational activities are carried out as it is known. In this respect, the concept of literary school should be considered as an area of activity where poets come together in a certain place and engage in literature and poetry conversations among themselves. Poetry assemblies formed around state officials such as sultans, princes and viziers, poets' councils comprised of poets among themselves, and workplaces where some poets practice their professions other than poetry constitute these literary environments. The geomancer shop of Zâtî, one of the prominent poets of the 16th century, in the courtyard of the Bayezid Mosque is both a literary environment where poets gather among themselves and have poetry conversations and a literary school for the young poets of the period. In this article, Zâtî school which is the second literary school in Anatolia after Necâtî, one of the great poets of the 15th century, and the poets trained in this school were tried to be identified in the light of the information in the sources. In addition to Bâkî, Hayâlî Bey and Taşlıcalı Yahyâ Bey, poets such as Galatalı Kudsî, Kara Fazlî, Selîkî, his nephew Selîsî (Ahmed Çelebi), Yaralu-zâde Zekî Çelebi were among the regulars of Zâtî school. According to the information obtained what kind of master-apprentice or teacher-student relationship existed between Zâtî and the young poets was examined.

Classical Turkish literature, Zâtî, Literary environment, Literary school, Nazire

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