Türük Uluslararası Dil, Edebiyat ve Halkbilimi Araştırmaları Dergisi Türkçe
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The phenomenon of urbanization over the last few hundred years has put people into certain patterns. The integrity of the soul, body, heart and mind of the person who moves from one closed place (home) to another closed place (workplace, school, hospital, shopping mall, etc.) every day and lives monotonously has begun to deteriorate in a way that prioritizes the body. This situation has revealed an insatiable type of person who tries to fulfill the desires of his soul and pursues pleasure. The most distinctive characteristic of this type of person is indifference. As a result of discontent, negativities such as envy, grudge, consumerism and waste may become widespread in society. The article first explains the meaning of opinion; The semantic framework of this concept is tried to be drawn by examining the relationship of contentment with Sufism terms such as faith, obedience, consent, patience, poverty, istiğna, gratitude, trust, solitude, asceticism. After giving information about the place of opinion in religion, Sufism and our culture, the main metaphors related to opinion created in classical Turkish literature are briefly explained. Subsequently, in Ali Şîr Nevâyî's divans named Garâ'ibü's-Sıgar, Nevâdirü'şŞebâb, Bedâyi'ü'l-Vasat, Fevâyidü'l-Kiber, which were selected as examples, the similes, dreams and imaginations created about opinion are classified; The data obtained is interpreted with the help of tables and graphs, and the results are evaluated. The aim of the study is to explain the dreams and imaginations created by Ali Şîr Nevâyî about the concept of opinion, thus to indirectly reveal the artist's perception of opinion in the social mentality of that age, and to contribute to the awareness of today's people and societies on this subject.

Classical Turkish literature, Chagatai literature, Sufism, Ali Şîr Nevâyî, Opinion.

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Email : turukdergisi@gmail.com

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