Türük Uluslararası Dil, Edebiyat ve Halkbilimi Araştırmaları Dergisi Türkçe
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There is a huge request of learning Turkish language as a foreign language day by day. This is the reason for being numerous researchs about teaching Turkish as a second language. These researches are important to determine vacuity about the scope for researchers. The objectives of this research are to fill the vacuity about the scope and to pave the way for new researches by submitting conducted studies as a whole about teaching Turkish to foreign people. This article, tried to determine the studies related to teaching Turkish as a foreign language (books, article, thesis, symposium, seminar, conference declaration). In this context, 205 books, 155 articles, 140 master’s thesis and 35 doctoral thesis including 175 thesis, 226 different kinds of seminar, congress and symposium paper have been determined. The books are listed under three different headings, as native and foreign books along with sets. Articles are listed in an alphabetical order, thesis are listed under two sub-headings as master’s and doctoral thesis. The declarations of symposiums, seminars and conferences are listed according to the previous symposiums, seminars and conferences. A prospective research about Turkish as a second language is probably going to be have a wider scope than todays’. Some studies on virtual environment (like video or audio file, web site etc.) might also be added to this research. Nonetheless, this is a facility for the researchers and also foreign people who want to learn Turkish language via virtual environment on account of access to resources.

Teaching Turkish to foreign people, Turkish as a second language, teaching language, teaching Turkis

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