Türük Uluslararası Dil, Edebiyat ve Halkbilimi Araştırmaları Dergisi Türkçe
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In the present study the work named Risâle-i Bevâsîr, which is claimed to be a work of Hacı Paşa in some source books and which is penned for the treatment of hemmoroid, has been examined. In order to clarify the historical periods and the changes and developments, the historical texts of a given language must be published. Within the framework of the study, firstly information about the writer of the work has been provided, the the content of the work and its vocabulary has been debated. Phonetic and morphological properties of the work has not been included as these properties of the era in which the work was written were put forward by the previous studies. As the aim of the study is to give the vocabulary of the work, the index and transcribed version has been prepared. The objective is to contribute to the literature by giving the vocabulary of Old Oghuz Turkish and medical language.

Old Oghuz Turkish, Risâle-i Bevâsîr, Vocabulary, Turkish Medical Texts

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