Türük Uluslararası Dil, Edebiyat ve Halkbilimi Araştırmaları Dergisi Türkçe
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In the Macedonian language, in addition to the loanwords, the grammatical effects of the Turkish language are evident. As it is known, the influence of the Turkish language on the Macedonian is not only lexical. Apart from the words in this language, these influences are most evident in the grammatical structure. The effect of the Turkish language on the Macedonian, in a most natural and clear manner is sensed in the everyday speech of the people As a result of the communication between people, this language interaction, by determining the various characteristics in the grammar of every language, has enabled the occurrence of many mutual characteristics in the word units. When it comes to the adaptation process of Turkish words into the Macedonian language there have been changes in the field of phonetics as well. Both languages being associated with different language groups and having different grammatical constructions, have been subject to a variety of changes when it comes to letters, affixes and the word formations of words of Turkish origin. A great number of Turkish words during the interaction with the Macedonian language are a subject of important changes when it comes to the word structure. The most obvious example of these changes can be found in the Macedonian folk songs.

Turkish, Macedonian, Turkish loanwords in the Balkan languages, Phonetic characteristics

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