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As the number of the literary works increase the need to understand them also increases. On the basis of this need many literary criticisms techniques appeared and text analysis methods were developed. From time to time among a method has come forefront become dominant. Structuralism has dominated literature and marked the studies since 20th century as a theory. Structuralism, which bases on text and analyzing text with the relation of word and meaning not on artists’’ life stories, social atmosphere and cultural elements, has brought a different perspective especially to poetry. According to structuralists art is like a machine that consists of parts and each of them has an important role for the process of a mechanism. Analyzing these parts and finding out the relations among them provide the knowledge about the whole. The same reason is valid for a literary work formed with language. If one wants to get information about the core of a text he should examine the linguistic parts. With reference to linguistic point of view of structuralism, Arif Nihat Asya’s “Beşik” poem has been analyzed. Accordingly, by tackling language which is the raw material of a poem he phonetic, morphological, semantic, aesthetic and artistic values of Beşik have been determined.

Arif Nihat Asya, Structuralism, Turkish poetry, Poem Analysis, Literary Theory.

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