Türük Uluslararası Dil, Edebiyat ve Halkbilimi Araştırmaları Dergisi Türkçe
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Positional suffix is one of the issues that needs to be taught at a basic level in Teaching Turkish as a foreign language. Positional suffixes are used to add such as location, direction, divergence and availability in nouns. But there are still so many mistakes to using and learning Positional suffixes. The aim of this research is to determine those mistakes and find a solution to them. This research took place at Sakarya University TÖMER, 86 African students who are learning Turkish as a foreign language at A1 and A2 level were evaluated on Turkish grammar skills, and Positional Suffix . This research was started from mistakes that students made on using Positional suffixes at their exam papers. As a result, some suggestions were given to those students and all mistakes they did about use Positional suffixes were solved. All dates of this research were based on Sakarya University TÖMER(Turkish language Learning and Research Center ) 2014-2015 Academic years exam papers for A1 and A2 levels Turkish learners who just finished 6 weeks of Turkish learning. All analysis results took place under the Positional suffixes headline, indicate Positional suffixes, divergence Positional suffixes, directivity Positional suffixes and availability Positional suffixes were classified to be a subtitle under the Positional suffixes headline. All the sentences that students wrote were examined without any changes. At the end of the research, it was found that students made more mistakes at Dative Positional suffixes compared to other Positional suffixes. This case is followed by Ablative, Accusative and Locative Positional suffix cronologically . In the mistakes examine, it was found out that students did not use the Positional Suffix where it was neccessary. On the other hand, students were using Positional suffixeses where it was not necessary because they mixed its usage with possessive suffix and Positional suffixes. So, we can conclude that students do not know the exact usage of Positional suffixes.

Sakarya, TÖMER, Teaching Turkish as a foreign language, African students, Positional suffixes.

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