Türük Uluslararası Dil, Edebiyat ve Halkbilimi Araştırmaları Dergisi Türkçe
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One of the criticisms to Divan literature that it is divorced from life and that is completely imaginary literature. But today, a lot of studies, in a search constantly new poems written by poets, shows they use many concepts of social life. Cinani lived in 16th century, when the most brilliant works, poetry, poets, the most successful in terms of technique and aesthetics were grown in Divan literature. Period, he work as a müderrislik and ders-i âmlık in Bursa where is important cultural place, and his divan topics included rich subject about social life. Each Ottoman poet such as Cinânî's and one of the most important feeding source observes that in social life and the actual sections examined the divân, is emerging. In our study, we saw the heavily in the divân works of our poets, is an important part of social life, architecture is discussed. In this context, the topics of the poems it contains the poet's sections of architectural structures are classified under the appropriate headings. The dates given in the couplet architectural structures, were tried to be determined by making use of various historical sources. Penned structures are explained by the analogy that likened the elements . With the help of our examination by setting out one of divan poets’ poem, we are aiming to contribute the properties of the period that the poem is written, social life and architectural elements relevant these informations.

16th century, Divan, Cinânî, Social Life, Architecture

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