Türük Uluslararası Dil, Edebiyat ve Halkbilimi Araştırmaları Dergisi Türkçe
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Central Asia is mainly historical issues in the Turkish Ottoman Turkish history and tradition of the historical novel. Generally historic personalities, wars and some social events on migration stops when the end of this novel has been added to the subject field. Is located in the tragedy of the most common ones in the Ottoman Empire after the Balkan wars and disintegration of this new literary materials experienced significant migration movements during the processing of the changes brought occur in social life. Turkey in many novels published in recent years , they perform forced migration Balkan Turks in Anatolia during the war have been subject . Social and political issues , which is a literary genre, according to transport within the sociological dimensions of the novel , the historical reality with the invention at the point where there is question of novels both literary science history and publications are remarkable in terms of sociological research. In our study, performed a selection of migration addressing novel realized Balkans to Anatolia of Turkey to the main axis after the year 2000 , growing with migration of these novel partners fiction , venues has tried to expose and plots. This review with the Balkan Wars and later experienced the migration of the fictional world novel of historical reality of how it is reflected in the Balkan tragedy of the novel, the literary is used which elements moved to the emotional ground in the framework of aesthetics and has been determined a sociological approach . Characteristics of the type involved in party cadres in partnership with the comparative study of the fiction novel and has put forward the arguments made in this context

Balkan Turks, Historical Novels, Exile, Literatura, Sociology

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Email : turukdergisi@gmail.com

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