Türük Uluslararası Dil, Edebiyat ve Halkbilimi Araştırmaları Dergisi Türkçe
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Demonstrative postpositions have the function of demonstrating a thing or a person and they also have the function of reinforcement. The focus of the present article is demonstrative postposition of munu, which is found in the works of Kharahanid period. The verses including munu gathered form Kutadgu Bilig, which is an important work of its period, constitutes the linguistic data of the article. munu is not found in the historical dialects of Turkish and it was confused with munı which is the accusative form the singular demonstrative pronoun. In DLT, it was used with the meanings of ‘that’s it, that’s, it’ and were the responses to the queations kanu (which) and kanı (where). In TİKT it was used with the meanings ‘certainly, no doubt, that’s it, it’. The frequency of meanings ‘that’s, that’s it’ in KB is outstanding, and munukı, unu, uş unu, uş munu forms with the same meanings is also encountered in the work. In the study, it was claimed that the postposition munu, which is unique to KB, is formed with contamination of kanu to kañu which is has /n/ and found in Köktürk. It was also expressed that bu singular demonstrative pronoun, which refers to ‘işte’ demonstrative pronoun, is found in the body if the postposition. Moreover, the idea, caused by the confusion of the forms of munu and munı, that there is an accusative suffix in the structure of the suffix was not accepted. It can be just an assimilation of munı > munu.

Kharahanid Period, Kutadgu Bilig, Demonstrative Pronoun, munu

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