Türük Uluslararası Dil, Edebiyat ve Halkbilimi Araştırmaları Dergisi Türkçe
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Ayfer Tunç, who has works in story and novel genres is one of the most important writers of Contemporary Turkish Literature. Her first story book is Saklı (1989) and her last book is Memleket Hikâyeleri (2012). Ayfer Tunç’s Hometown Stories, which makes reference to Refik Halit with both its name and context, is different from its kinds. In this work which is a mixture of article and story there are both findings and stories on the idea of national, being from the same national, rural life. This work which makes reference to Refik Halit’s Memleket Hikâyeleri consists of three parts including Memleket Yazıları, Fotoğraflar Anlatıyor, Memleket Hikâyeleri. In this book, which is written on the sense of rural, fascism of ordinary people, and our approach to history, incidents took place mostly in Istanbul, Karasu and Sakarya unlike Refik Halit’s work. Characters that represent different geographies enriched the character staff as well as contributing to the spatial depth in the story even though the spatial universe seems to be narrow. Therefore this work reflects the social stratum extensively. There are many interesting human types from the Black Sea to Ankara, from Lüleburgaz to Istanbul, from all corners of the country and all kind of social stratums brought together by Ayfer Tunç in her Memleket Hikâyeleri. Characters in the book lived mostly in Sakarya, Karasu, Black Sea and Erzurum, and the incidents took place in these settings.

Ayfer Tunç, Memleket Hikâyeleri, Sakarya-Karasu-İstanbul, Refik Halit (Karay), Contemporary Turkish

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