Türük Uluslararası Dil, Edebiyat ve Halkbilimi Araştırmaları Dergisi Türkçe
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Thanks to its economic and political growth in Turkey have recently turned to one of the important state in Central Asia, Middle East and Balkans. Turkey is a candidate for becoming to leader state in this region, it have raised level of all kind of the economic, cultural and politic relationships with Kyrgyzstan which is situated in centre of Central Asia. In order to the relationships developed between Kyrgyzstan and Turkey in all fields, was healthier and longer, for reinforcing activity of Turkey in region is need more academic researching about Kyrgyzstan and Kyrgyz. As a result of this situation lately has caused to the growth of the amount of scientific researches. In this study, being addition to the two Turkish bibliography on this subject which were prepared in 2003 and 2009 and covered the period of years 1910 to 2009 will be provided scientific papers in Turkish, which were published between 2009 and 2012, as well as will be provided the works that have not been provided in the previous bibliographies and have been left out of sight. Studies are given in the form of a table with numbers, author's name, title of work and year of publication. We offer our study to your attention with the hope that it will useful source for researchers in the field of Turcology and especially in the field of Kyrgystan and the Kyrgyzs.

Kyrgyz, Kyrgyzstan, Turkish bibliography, Turcology, Turkish language

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