Türük Uluslararası Dil, Edebiyat ve Halkbilimi Araştırmaları Dergisi Türkçe
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Custom is a word which is originated from Arabic. In dictionaries, it corresponds to such as customary thing, habitual, ordinary. It is known that customs come into existence due to the fact that not only have various resources but also random. While some customs are fixed, others on the contrary are flexible. Societies sustain the society life with obeying these customs. We tried to review the work İstanbulun Eski Adetlerinden which was narreted by Tahirü'l Mevlevi. Tahirül Mevlevi was one of the importan person in the 19th century and in this work he gives us information about cultural frame with casting light on his period. Also he provides to hold a view about protecting negative situations and celebrations of positive situations in our daily life. Although some suggestions are not clear at present, they are more acceptable when it is considered in that time conditions. In this work, we translated the text into Latin alphabet and tried to find the equilavences of these customs. It consists of 25 subtitles and told the process of a boy's life from born to his first school years. In our work, after the the equilavences of these customs are found in resources evaluation part is placed in the last chapter.

Custom, Tahirü’l-Mevlevî, 20. century, child, tradition.

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