Türük Uluslararası Dil, Edebiyat ve Halkbilimi Araştırmaları Dergisi Türkçe
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“The presence of the short description of the culture milieu. Living of a society, life form, your outlook on life style, material and sprititual values, beliefs in short, the culture of the existence of the first information we can get there. The words of the language spoken by the existence of society, statements, the sepattern sare ready, include sproverbs. The presence of such a language, but also the world of concepts that speak the language of society, a cross-sectional view of theworld. ”Every individual around the surrounding events, totell the truth and perceive with his own concept formed in the mother tongue; briefly world sees from the window of their language. An importantin dividual author sand poets in the environment they are in the society, high lights his own style, reflecting the use of specific words. Starting from this idea to the reflection on thi sarticle Remzi Oguz Arik' sout look on life style and culture of the Works will be explained. Remzi Oğuz Arık “Coğrafyadan Vatana, Türk Sanatı, İdeal ve İdeoloji, Türk Gençliğine, Türk İnkılâbı ve Milliyetçiliğimiz, Meseleler” tried to obtain a general picture of the vocabulary in the Works performed classification based on various concepts of words in the works called.

Vocabulary, Remzi Oğuz Arık, concept, language, word

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