Türük Uluslararası Dil, Edebiyat ve Halkbilimi Araştırmaları Dergisi Türkçe
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The future has been a subject that attracts the attention of humanity since before now. Individuals have especially wondered their own future. The tradition of referring to the seğir-names in Turkish society dates back to the old times. It is important to show the antiquity of this tradition that the first seğir-name in our culture remains from Old Uyghur period. Since that time, hundreds of seğir-names have been written. In an example that we introduce among these, 120 twitchs take a part. In our study, the text has been transcribed and the index for organ and twitch has been formed. In addition, some of the organ names in manuscript have been analysed in “notes” section.

twitch, seğir-name, organ names, i?tilac-name

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