Türük Uluslararası Dil, Edebiyat ve Halkbilimi Araştırmaları Dergisi Türkçe
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The existence of a morphological element which functions as a copula, given as “bildirme eki” in Turkish linguistic tradition and from the period of Old Uighur period it has had the meaning particles of the verb tur- , has had the attention of linguists. It is obvious that some problems have been experienced in determining sub and top categories and hierarchical relations on the basis of some traditionalist approaches in explaining the relation of word+/- suffix in Turkish language. One the problems is determining, explaining and classification process of the element called “+DIr bildirme eki” in our linguistic corpus. In the present article, grammatical comments which seem complex in the final analysis as to the what the copula of +DIr- and what it is not have been analyzed form the point of view of studies exclusively conducted on this morpheme. As a result, it has been stated that the copula of +DIr- in the sentences which has it, does not cause a change when it is used for another an element of other sentences and the structure of the sentences does not also change.

Morphology, suffix, copula, indication, sentence

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