Türük Uluslararası Dil, Edebiyat ve Halkbilimi Araştırmaları Dergisi Türkçe
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In system of Turkish which is an agglutinating language, verbals and particularly participles have important roles in terms of form, meaning and syntagm. These kind of suffixes bring in fluency to Turkish and they are seen as significant structures which separate Turkish from the other languages. A major part of participles in Turkish have lived in different dialects and survived until today but the other part is discarded or new participles took the place of them. In this article, participle{-(y)Xk} will be examined. This participle is seen in old Turkish textes but its usage area was changed because of the meaning and role changes and today their continuations are seen in some Turkey Turkish dialects and standart language. Participle{-(y)Xk} which is studied in different researches in Turkish, is examined sometimes just as participle, deverbal nouns or tense suffix separately and sometimes it is examined through exampling. In this work, usage of {-(y)Xk} suffix as participle will be remarked based on the relation of participle-tense suffix , participle-participle and participle-noun.

Turkish, Participle, Past Tense Suffix, Gerund, Noun, Suffix {-(y)Xk}

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