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The Concept of “Woman” in Proverbs Crimean Tatars
Proverb called stable metaphorical expressions that occur frequently, stress generated by the experience of society customs and traditions of a wise judgment, but also have an educational function and instruct. Living for centuries together with the people sincerely proverbs carry warnings and tips. These anonymous short phrases passed from generation to generation is more verbally than through writing. In the process of historical development of proverbs language less amenable to change. They truly are a fount of knowledge about the social, political, economic and cultural structure of society. In this regard, we have analyzed the Crimean Tatars proverbs that reflect the way of life, the vision of nature and accidents, deep history and culture of this nation. Then, separately chosen proverbs, which are directly or indirectly linked to the concept of woman, girl and on the basis of functional and semantic features have made the proverbial data classification.

Crimean Tatars, Proverbs of Crimean Tatar, proverbs, the concept of woman

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