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Peddlers in the Stories and Novels of Tanzimat
In the stories and novels of the Tanzimat Era, peddlers known by the names of products which they sell such as simitçi, börekçi, bozacı, dönerci and eskici stil exist today. These artisan groups who usually try to sell these things by shouting often prefer crowded areas. It has an important place in social life in terms of taking goods and services to custumers. Peddlers who are explained by A.Mithat are tried to be portrayed and introduced by giving a variety of information about them in the stories and novels of Tanzimat. Although sometimes they attract by the personalities and dialogue, they stand out by their business and products. Our aim in this study is to consider peddlers in terms of vendor, product and customer relationships.

Tanzimat, Peddlers, Tradesman, Customer, Story-Novel.

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