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Süleyman Nazif is a poet and writer who boasted for he was Namık Kemal's students and he although he known about his books for Namık Kemal the ideas that his put forward in this book much not discussed and these ideas have overlooked even when describing Namık Kemal. However Süleyman Nazif’s thoughts describe for a wide context not only about Namık Kemal but alsothe other poets in Turkish literature. Süleyman Nazif indicates their views on various occasions about Hamid, Ekrem and Sezai are Kemal's friends who poets and writers.These views are gathered around the ideas that focus on Namık Kemal. Writer transmits a range of information about the environment that Namık Kemal has grown and his birth. Also he doesn’t forget Namık Kemal's the exile days. The author emphasizes that he heard these verses from Namık Kemal and he gives place to Namik Kemal’s verses from transferring these process. It must look at Suleyman Nazif's book about Namık Kemal to understand and to make comment for Namık Kemal. Any thoughts about Namık Kemal without referring to Süleyman Nazif will remain incomplete. Because of the work was written as words spoken during a conversation the work is seen as a work rather than a scientific source. He talks about different things as tells his thoughts. As a result of this attitude work is perceived as a conversation piece.

Süleyman Nazif, Namık Kemal, unknown faces of Namık Kemal

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