Türük Uluslararası Dil, Edebiyat ve Halkbilimi Araştırmaları Dergisi Türkçe
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Science of Society is a science, which is trying to find rules, theories and laws, and to solve the problems such as source, evolution, propagation, change, interaction, etc., of the people living in a country by examining their cultural products, oral literature, traditions, customs, beliefs, the cuisine, music, games, folk medicine and determining their relationship to each other. Oral transmission has an important role in reaching of the science of society, to the present over centuries. We also know that transfers through writing and practice are also effective. In Turkish Literature of the Period of Republic, village novels are of the sources that have a share in transferring the elements of the science of society from generation to generation. Talip Apaydın, an author of the Period of Republic, studied the important elements of village life his novels and became means of transferring these elements to future generations. In this article, the elements of the science of society in the novel “Yoz Davar”, written by Talip Apaydın, were determined. The which extent the elements of the science of society were used in this novel, was studied. Attempts were made to collect and classify the elements of the science of society identified in the novel. The passages quoted from the studied novel, in relation to folk culture, are given in the page numbers of the novel. Taking into consideration also his own life, it can be said that Talip Apaydın studied the period he lived, the geography and the people’s culture skilfully, in this novel.

Talip Apaydin, Yoz Davar, Novel, Folklore, Folk Science

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