Türük Uluslararası Dil, Edebiyat ve Halkbilimi Araştırmaları Dergisi Türkçe
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Medicine is a branch of science which has been developing since its existence although it changes according to different societies. Human beings in order to find remedies, beginning with magic and glamour and developing with knowledge gathered from experience and observation for illness and death which are inevitable aspects of life, carried the cure methods to a respectable level, and transferred them to the following generations for their utility. Within this developments, while Islamic medicine made e great process, Turkish medicine formed many original and translated works with reference to Islamic medicine. In the present study, a work translated in 16th century in Anatolia, registered with archive number 190 in İstanbul university "Nadir Eserler" library work is introduced. The work is translated version of Mecma?ü’l-Mücerrebât, named El- Gâvî fî İlmi’t-Tedâvî and known as Gâvî-i Sagîr by Necmeddîn Mahmud bin Ziyaeddîn İlyas Şirâzî. It was translated by Ahmed bin Bâlî on 7th May 1578 (987 hijri). The work consists of five chapters, and each chapter has its own parts. The translator added a part at the end of each chapter. It gives information about general health issues, the illness of each organ, preparing medicine, curative materials and halva preparation. It has the potential to be used as a source book for medicine, pharmacy, botanic, linguistics, folklore, gastronomy in terms of wide range of knowledge it includes.

Mecmaü’l-Mücerrebât, Ahmed bin Bâlî, Ottoman medicine

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