Türük Uluslararası Dil, Edebiyat ve Halkbilimi Araştırmaları Dergisi Türkçe
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In the Idil-Ural region, there are regular consonant changes related to /s/ phoneme, which has a special place among the features of the language of Bashkir, which is one of the contemporary Kipchak dialects. These changes constituted the sound equivalents that developed from the Old Turkic language period, which survived unchanged in the historical Kipchak monuments. Our study aims to reveal the primary and secondary phonemic situation that emerged in the Bashkir area and the effect this special development has on the voice knowledge of the Bashkir language. In this study, Bashkir’s the root verb scanned, resulting in the acts /s/ phoneme, Old Turkic and historical Kipchak monuments together with historical-comparative method /s/, located in the consonants which have been examined in accordance with the change three regular consonants. The development of the protected /s/ phoneme in the historical Kipchak language, which has been followed since the Old Turkic period, the introduction of a secondary phoneme by the development of the original consonant /ç/ in the Bashkir language /s/ three regular consonant changes in the form of transferring the interdental /s/ phoneme to the Bashkir’s consonant system were given according to the phonetics typologies of all Bashkir root acts.

Bashkir language, phonetics, /s/ phoneme, regular consonant change, Kipchak, contemporary Turkish di

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