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The knife is a cutting tool that cuts through the barrel to cut and stab with a handle for holding. The knife we have encountered since the Palaeolithic period is a material culture element that has been used as everyday objects and weapons. Knifting is generally regarded as a separate profession, but it has a place to walk inside with smithing. The most important reason for this is that both professions are conducted through the same technical knowledge and tradition. In addition, many knife masters have also made the production and repair of other iron products as well as the blade. It would be right to describe knives as blacksmiths who specialize in knife making. The knife-making industry, which is one of our very well-established and industrialized arts, is being continued in a few centers in our country. Some of these centers are located in the province of Antalya. There are knives in Serik, Elmalı and Kumluca districts in the region and the knives that we have encountered in Kumluca district are remarkable because they completely protect the original structure of the production process. The blades, known as the Wardrobe knife in and around Kumluca, were produced in Kumluca District Kuzca Village. A wardrobe knife is a knife with a horn handle. It is a type of knife that is extremely resistant to breakage due to the fact that iron and steel are used together. About half a century ago in Kuzca Village there were about fifty masters of dealing with production of wardrobe knives besides mining, but today the number of masters working today has decreased to two. These masters are only working for the sake or order. The production process of the wardrobe knife was not affected by technological developments in any way, but preserved the originality and the "iptidai" structure as it is today. No electrical tools are used during the production process. The metal used to make the knife was supplied from Karabük in the past and today construction boring is used for this purpose. The place where the production is realized is called "blower damı" and the knife counter is called "blower blower". The informative work was prepared in the light of the field research conducted in the village of Kuzca with a folkloric point of view and contains the analysis and present situation of the cultural and traditional dimensions of this element which is of great importance in terms of the intangible cultural heritage of Antalya region. In addition, the issue of transferring these elements to future generations has also been discussed.

Kumluca, traditional crafts, intangible cultural heritage, making of knife, Gardıç knife.

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