Türük Uluslararası Dil, Edebiyat ve Halkbilimi Araştırmaları Dergisi Türkçe
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Şeyh Şabân-ı Velî, who lived in Kastamonu in the 16th century as the founder of the Şabâniyye section of the Halvetîye sect, which has an important place in Sufi history, had various beliefs and practices around him in time. Şeyh Şabân-ı Velî, who is also called as Hazret-i Pîr, has miracles told about him; and his social complex is visited by many both from inside and outside the city. It is observed that Hazret-i Pîr’s shrine has become a place of hope for any kind of wish, trouble and disease. Therefore Şeyh Şabân-ı Velî’ has also an important place in terms of folklore studies. There are many narratives told about Şeyh Şabân-ı Velî. The environment of these narratives which can be called as hagiography, legend and memorate is oral culture environment. Today it is seen that these narratives continued to be told in oral culture environment as well as finding a place for themselves in written and electronic culture environments. In this paper the narratives created around Şeyh Şabân-ı Velî will be discussed in three levels as “oral culture”, “written culture” and “electronic culture” environments within the frame of a contextual concept. It will be questioned how and in which ways these narratives, which have the basis of oral culture environment, are spread via new communication environments (magazine, book, internet etc.).

Şeyh Şabân-ı Velî, narrative, oral culture, written culture, electronic culture

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