Türük Uluslararası Dil, Edebiyat ve Halkbilimi Araştırmaları Dergisi Türkçe
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Human who is aware of the end of life is only creature who ascribes different meanings to life and death and queries this two concept. One of reasons of emergence of art theories is this awareness. Human who is aware of his death doesn’t only confines himself to effort of exceeding life and death, but also actually materializes the life and death in art. Although it is dealt in other fine arts, poets and writers who deal with emotions of human are artists who mention these two facts most. The concepts of life and death having been handled since ancient times in major themes and kept to be subject of poetries as long as people live in the world is encountered much in Turkish poetry. Life and death themes are followed in introduction part of this work are as it happens in Turkish poetry and point of views of main poets on these two themes is mentioned. In continuation of this study, it is mentioned about İhsan Deniz who takes an important place in poem called as generation of 1980 and understanding of poem. Regarding poet's poetry and his point of view, following headings are evaluated Death As Savior or Curiosity Factor, Escape from Life or Can’t Make Peace With Life, Life And Death As Conflict Factor and Suicide As Way of Death.

İhsan Deniz, poem, life, death, suicide.

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