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Dr. Besim Ömerindicates how grape is an effective food in many diseasesIn his book "Grapes And Treating with Grapes " written in 1893 by Ottoman letters. He reveals by example how grape acts in which organs when it enter the human body. He explains that they show what effects on the body especially substances found in grape juice. The writer put the thought that grape juice is just like mineral water and he explains that this water is more effective than mineral water. Grape shows therapeutic efficacy when used for the treatment of anorexia, diarrhea and constipation, hemorrhoids, bladder and ovarian disease, dysentery, heart disease, dyspepsia, skin diseases and during illness. Dr. Besim Ömer explains how he treats these diseases with grapes and how healing process works in metabolism. He states that the treatment effect of grapes and especially grape has been proven experimentally in the past and today. He adds that these forms of therapy are also known in Europe. Treatment with Grapes book, one of Dr. Besim Ömer’s 44 books was taken as Ottoman and has not been translated into Latin letters until today. This has led to a lack of knowledge of the work. Dr. Besim Omer is Professor of Turkish Medicine and the first professor of Turkish medical history. The ideas that Besim Ömer put forward in his work preserve its validity today and lead to modern knowledge.

Treatment with grapes, diseases and healing effects of grapes.

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