Türük Uluslararası Dil, Edebiyat ve Halkbilimi Araştırmaları Dergisi Türkçe
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The researchers divide the object into two, with and without signs. In Turkish's syntax, the object without the indefinite object (+ Ø) and the object with the specified object are put into use by taking the uninstalled object. In the study, it will be questioned whether each group of words / phrases that receive the posting supplement form the indicated object, and then they will be presented with care that they do not constitute contrary to what the researchers have expressed. The fact that a word / phrase group in the present Turkish language grammars and independent syntactic works in the hand can be a signed object is bound to take the unloading context; but there are some examples that have been found, in which the objects in the sentences are functioning as objects that are indefinite in their sentences, even though they take the unloaded object. Bringing an attachment to a word / phrase group is not enough to make it a declared object in phrases passed by that word / phrase group. It is also important when the charge of the clan is drawn. The word / vocabulary group that receives the installer according to the time used is either cumulative or implies the function of specifying. Also included in the study were words / phrases that functioned as objects that were not included in the study.

syntax, object, object types, the direct object

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