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Yiğit Bener’s story book “Öteki Kâbuslar” draws attention to insects filling the narrative. In almost every story it is possible to encounter an insect species. Of course, this path was chosen to give a message to the human World as if it were in the fable tradition. This use also brings allegories. The allegory found in Bener is different from the traditional model. When a traditional allegory is sent out of the text, the allegory seen in these stories is referred to in the text. For this reason, this example may be a mirror allegory. In the book, intertextual relationship with Kafka was passed and “Transformation” was read both straight and in reverse. Bener realizes storytelling with interesting applications of parallel narrative and framed narrative. In the same story, parallel narration is obtained when two plots progress without touching each other. Frame expression is applied by successively placing a number of events on a linear plane. The narratives that are the subject of the article carry a modernist character and are generally revolved around the concept of ethics. The book seems to tell the story of the bugs, but in fact they are reactions to the ethical world. Through these discussions, what is true about human society is discussed.

Yiğit Bener, “Öteki Kâbuslar”, allegory, parallel expression, framed expression,

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