Türük Uluslararası Dil, Edebiyat ve Halkbilimi Araştırmaları Dergisi Türkçe
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Abstract Shayyad Hamza is one of the most important figures in 14th century Turkish Literature. He was a “kıssahan” (story teller) in people’s gatherings continuing the tradition of Turkish epic. If there are five six literary works and some poetry from Shayyad Hamza, the most important one without doubt is Yusuf u Zelikha Masnevi. (Epic of Yusuf) It is among the major works which shows Old Anatolian Turkish Period’s characteristics. Very clear and fluent public language is used. In it, there is rich information about the term’s dialect, archaic words, idioms, reduplications etc. In this study, Shayyad Hamza’s Masnevi of Yusuf u Zelikha’s reduplications and repititions were taken into consideration. In the introduction of this study, Shayyad Hamza and Yusuf u Zelikha ( Epic of Yusuf) were mentioned. Later on, reduplication subject has been examined theoretically and opinions about it have been presented. Information related to this subject has been analysed and “reduplication” concept in Turkish has been explained. Third part is the main part of the study. In this part, reduplications and repititions have been listed in alphabetical order, explained to which language they are related to and meanings have been explained. Reduplication and repitition examples are given; if there are only three examples all of them are written, if more than three only three of them were written and they were translated to Modern Turkish. In the following parts, reduplications and repititions are listed as plain index , semantic distribution, word type distribution, and according to the languages they are derived from. In the final part all information was articled.

Key words: Old Anatolian Turkish, Shayyad Hamza, Yusuf u Zelikha (Epic of Yusuf) Masnevi, reduplicat

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