Türük Uluslararası Dil, Edebiyat ve Halkbilimi Araştırmaları Dergisi Türkçe
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Sakarya is very rich in traditional arts and crafts. As a result of the dominance of modern technology, such crafts as broom making, wood carving, weaving, knitting, basketry and coppersmith which were common in the past, have come to the brink of extinction. Broom making was a common occupation in the past. Especially in 1957, it gained more and more importance with the activation of broom stock market. Today, broom production has decreased due to the developing technology but it still maintain its place in married girls dowry items. Broom making which is one of the traditional crafts compose the subject of the study. It has been tried to provide information about the materials used in the making of broom, production steps, raw material resources that used, current and past status of the craft. The data that we obtained as a result of field research in Sakarya, chosen as sample, forms the framework of our study.

Broom Making, Sakarya, Traditional Crafts, Craft, Broom

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