Türük Uluslararası Dil, Edebiyat ve Halkbilimi Araştırmaları Dergisi Türkçe
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The short story book of Sâmipaşazâde Sezâi’s Küçük Şeyler (1892) from the second generation of Tanzimat literature is seen as the beginning of Turkish storytelling in modern or western style in almost every work on Turkish storytelling. One of the basic problems of text analysis is that many of these types of determinations, which frequently come out against the examination of literary history and become norms of literature with time, do not reflect what is true in narrative studies. Especially with the new criticism approaches, the attempts to reread narrative texts solely from their own characteristics have undoubtedly necessitated the reexamination of the norms that we are talking about this time. From this reality, in this article, a textual review will be made on the Küçük Şeyler. Accordingly, the Küçük Şeyler will be examined in the context of the people who are the main elements of the creation process of the narrative organism, due to the emphasis on "telling the modern story about the individual" as a phenomenon frequently encountered in literature. The main point of examination in the study is to examine the narratives in the context of characterization based on the elements of persons, taking into account the fact that they can be examined in many different ways and methods.

Sâmipaşazâde Sezâi, Küçük Şeyler, narratology, story, personalities, characterization, text analysis

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