Türük Uluslararası Dil, Edebiyat ve Halkbilimi Araştırmaları Dergisi Türkçe
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Abdullah Shaik is one of the most prominent writers of Azerbaijani literature of the 20th century. Shaik, who dedicated his life to his community is the author of children`s literature and national children`s theatre in Azerbaijan. The works that written by him for children and adolescent are still in textbooks. Either the years of the national struggle before the Soviet Union or after the establishment of Soviet, Shaik always kept his finger on the pulse well and every time tried to be the guide to his community with his works. In the 1900s, Abdullah Shaik has been supported his nation by acting as a soldier, as a poet but mostly as a patriot. He was on the other side of the front, tried to heal the pain of the nation that has given the loss and wrote so many works to motivate for happiness and luminous future. Unfortunately, despite all efforts, the Soviet Union were established and the poet`s works in this period were hidden. Therefore, all the citizens who were born and educated during 1920-1991, accept Abdullah Shaik as a writer of children`s poetry and educator. In the following years of independence, Abdullah Shaik and including many poets, writers were illuminated unidentified sides of their literary personality and were subjected to a thorough investigation without any pressure. In this article, the researchers investigated not only the unknown aspect of Shaik`s Turkic and Turanian ideology but also studies on his publications in the period of the Soviet Union and during the years of independence of Azerbaijan has been. In addition, has been discussed.

Abdullah Shaik, Azerbaijan, Azerbaijan Turkish Literature, Soviet Period, Turanian İdeology

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