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In historical process, literary theories has developed different reading styles. Semiology is another style which approaches a texts systematically. In the present study, a semiotic analysis of story named Count of Monte Cristo by Nazli Eray has been made the semiotic approach of Greimas was used in the analysis. The understanding of semiology of Greimas focuses on literary texts, and reveals its operation and articulation of meaning structures is semiology systems. Depended upon this model, the story of Count of Monte Cristo analyzed in descriptive, narrative and thematic levels. In the narrative level, text was cut into sections, and twelve sections were determined, and sections were tackled under three chapters. In this chapter, acquisitions determined depending on actors’ scheme were revealed. In the discourse level, the figurative qualities which were given to the players were determined. The quality of relations of actors with each other was determined. In logical and semantic level, the contrasts determining the basic logic of narration are included. At the end of the analysis, it was found out that Count of Monte Cristo was constructed on men-women contrast and that it gained a figurative quality in happiness-unhappiness contrast. It was detected that some details loaded on identity, thoughts and behaviors of players have contrastive properties.

Semiology, Count of Monte Cristo, scheme of actors, semiotic square

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