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Typology Of Bursa Knife
Turkish culture is virtually rich and colorful. An unrecorded handcraft always exists in almost every part in Anatolia. Bursa cutlery is just one of them. Unfortunately, we have no reliable source regarding Bursa knives. That’s why we have obstacles in academic study and research. It is known that there were lots of towns where knives were made in the Ottoman Empire Period. Some of them still exist and Bursa is one of the most important ones. With this article Bursa knives have been recorded and given basic features of them and obtained typology. To that end, firstly, the forms of handles and materials used were analyzed in having the typology. When handle forms were the same but the embroidery technique was different. Classifications were made under subgroups. On the other hand, carrier sheath is another major detail in traditional Bursa knife. Sheaths for spear, dagger and hunting knives are made with great care, whereas, plastic carrier is preferred for kitchen knives for package reason.

Cutlery in Bursa, cutlery, cover, hatred, traditional

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