Türük Uluslararası Dil, Edebiyat ve Halkbilimi Araştırmaları Dergisi Türkçe
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Abstract People express themselves through the words and concepts of the community they belong to and the cultures of that community. For this reason, the structure and social values of the language to be taught must be taken into consideration in language teaching. Words are not empty symbols, they have a cultural background in their background. Without knowing this world of culture, the words can not be grasped completely. For this reason, one of the basic principles of teaching Turkish to strangers is to give culture along with language. Today, the fact that language and culture is a whole is considered as the most important dynamic in foreign language teaching, books used for foreign language teaching constitute the most important step of cultural transfer. Since culture is a very comprehensive phenomenon and foreign language learners are more focused on the language structure of the language, things that can be given to the student under the cultural title should be helpful to understand the language of the student. Topics such as history, daily life, shopping, food and beverage, school and education, family life, social conditions, traditions and customs, tourism and travel, work life... are appropriate topics to be taught in the context of culture. The content of the textbooks used for learning or teaching a foreign language should also contain cultural elements of that language. Some of the textbooks used at the level of A2 in the field of Turkish Language Teaching in Foreigners were examined in İstanbul, Ankara, Yunus Emre İnstitute, Gazi, Dilmer; it was questioned how much cultural values belonging to the target language were included. As a result of the research, suggestions were made in the direction of findings.

Teaching Turkish language to foreigners, instruction books, culture, cultural item, language teachin

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