Türük Uluslararası Dil, Edebiyat ve Halkbilimi Araştırmaları Dergisi Türkçe
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Capacity of language units remains incapable in establishing communication only with linguistic displays. None-linguistic references are needed to link between signs. Sender has to struggle for to attract receiver’s attention, to get it excited and to integrate it with the messages because communication is based on providing coding-decoding equivalence. Therefore the sender plays with language at will; it uses various discourse makers for to be able to send appropriate messages for the purpose; it gets help from universal and cultural elements that are valuable in communication by researchers; it takes advantage of the power of implication, indirect inference, direct inference options; it blends declarative sentences with inference sentences; in short it activates inferential communication. It is necessary to have the ability to make inferences to complete missing informations that are not removed to the surface structure provided with clues and to go beyond the information in the text. The need for encyclopedic informations is supplied by to make inference. The inferences are an integral part of communication and have very important functions. The receiver is aware of implicit statements when it makes inferrence in the communication process and this means that it uses the background information. On the other hand, in order for to taking place of communication as it is intended, there must be equality, equilibrium and common desire in such matters as social life, education, status etc. between sender and receiver, also purposes should overlap. The receiver should struggle as far as sender so that the hidden meanings between the lines are reached and the competent communication are realized, also decoding and conclusion of receiver coincide with coding format of sender.

implication, indirect inference, direct inference, conversion, inferencing communication

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