Türük Uluslararası Dil, Edebiyat ve Halkbilimi Araştırmaları Dergisi Türkçe
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Leylâ ile Mecnûn based on folk narratives of Arab communities, firstly written by Nizâmî-i Gencevî (d. 1204), one of the renowned poets of Persian literature by forming as a planned story. Beginning from its origin, the story has been so attractive for various poets and it has been rewritten several times. Leylâ vü Mecnûn written by Fuzûlî, one of the poets of 16. century Classical Turkish literature, is known as the best Leylâ ile Mecnûn mesnevî. Mentioned story has been continued to be written after Fuzûlî’s text. Moreover, the story was not restricted with only Classical Turkish literature and continued to be written in the modernization period in which new genres begin to settle in Turkish literature. After Fuzûlî -around four centuries-, Aziz Nesin is one of the writers rewritten Leylâ ile Mecnûn. Nesin who is well-known with his humorous and critical texts, wrote Leylâ ile Mecnûn in the form of story by depending on Fuzûlî’s text. Nesin adhered to Fuzûlî in terms of plot except little changes made in fiction, on the other hand he reached a genuine discourse thanks to his poems located in the story. In this study, the mesnevî Leylâ vü Mecnûn of Fuzûlî and the story Leylâ ile Mecnun of Aziz Nesin will be compared, and poems in the story will be analyzed in respect to linguistic and stylistic features.

Fuzûlî, Aziz Nesin, Leylâ ile Mecnûn, comparative literature, intertextuality.

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